Our Curriculum

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum is inclusive and ambitious; it recognises children’s individual needs and their local context, to prepare children academically, socially, and emotionally for their next steps.

Our curriculum is purposeful and engaging, providing children with memorable and enriching learning experiences.

Our curriculum is broad and balanced, where all subjects are valued and designed to equip our children with a breadth of knowledge in all areas of the curriculum.

Our curriculum provides children with carefully sequenced, progressive knowledge and is designed to equip children to retain key knowledge to ‘know more and remember more.’

Our curriculum is focussed on vocabulary, where children are exposed to aspirational and progressive vocabulary across the curriculum.

Curriculum Aims

1. Our children will gain the knowledge and skills to become independent, collaborative, confident, and successful learners

Children will:

• Understand the purpose and value of their learning and see its relevance to their past, present and future
• Experience the challenge and enjoyment of learning and have high aspirations for themselves and others
• Be enriched at every opportunity to make learning memorable, engaging, and inspirational.
• Develop rich and deep subject knowledge appropriate to their individual starting points and needs from the moment they start in Foundation to when they leave in Year 6.
• Be taught within a coherent and progressive framework which enables them to explore the breadth and depth of the national curriculum.
• Make links and connections within different aspects of their learning and apply their understanding in different contexts
• Be given opportunities to problem solve, and engage creatively as well as reflect on and articulate their learning journey
• Be immersed in a vocabulary rich environment to target the language deficit within our school.
We believe that children learn best when they are fully immersed in their learning. For this reason, ‘project work’ enables children to make strong connections in their learning across the wider curriculum. 

2. Develop emotional, social, physical and moral understanding to become positive citizens

Children will:

• Share and celebrate our core values to form their attitudes, guide their choices, and influence their behaviours.
• Grow in confidence, independence and self-esteem in a safe, secure and stimulating environment
• Demonstrate excellent conduct as well as positive behaviours for learning.
• Understand that all people are unique and special with different talents, abilities and needs
• Respect and celebrate differences in gender, race, ability, culture, and religion
• Appreciate and understand both social and environmental issues which affect us all both within our local communities as well as other across the world.
• Understand the importance of keeping safe, being both mentally and physically healthy, and forming positive relationships.
• Make a positive contribution to the school and local community
• Make considered and informed choices about things that are important to them and have the freedom to express their opinions on a range of different topics and issues.
• Develop a passion to try new and exciting activities.

Our curriculum has a creative and thematic approach to learning that is mapped to the 2014 Primary National Curriculum to ensure comprehensive coverage of national expectations. It is delivered through cross-curricular projects which provide a rich menu of exciting and motivating learning activities that make creative links between all aspects of children’s learning. All of our projects start with an engaging launch, provide memorable experiences and have real purpose for the knowledge acquired.  Under the umbrella of each thematic project, children are distinctly aware of the discreet curriculum subject knowledge they are learning within each subject area of the National Curriculum.