British Values & SMSC Development

At Southwark, fundamental British Values and children’s SMSC development is embedded within all aspects of school life. We expect individuals associated with our school to adhere to and respect these values which unite us all whatever their faith, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation or beliefs. There are times when our taught curriculum will cover these values but we also make best use of opportunities throughout the school day to promote these at all times. The way in which we teach these is appropriate to the stages of development of the children. This may be through assemblies, whole school themed days/weeks, School Council, our behaviour and reward system, charity and fundraising work, and enrichment activities to name but a few!

The PHSE curriculum is designed to cover issues affecting our local school community – prominence is given to SRE, lessons on healthy and positive relationships and consent. E-safety is taught throughout the year. A weekly ‘Picture News', linked to the current news, provides a regular opportunity for pupils to engage with a topical issue and explore British Values. Learning about bullying and discrimination includes issues such as homophobia, race and religion and disability.

The British Values we hold dear are the values of:

  • Individual Liberty
  • Democracy
  • Rule of Law
  • Mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without faith.

There are times when our taught curriculum cover these values as themes but we also make best use of opportunities throughout the school day to promote these values at all times. The way in which we teach these is appropriate to the stages of development of the children.

British Values are experienced through areas such as:

  • Assemblies (Picture News - see weekly 'Latest News' post)
  • Whole school themed days/weeks
  • School Council
  • Eco Council
  • School Parliament
  • Sports Leaders
  • Gardening clubs
  • Forest schools
  • Vocational courses
  • Positive behaviours – Green Team
  • Guidance and support when dealing with inappropriate behaviour
  • Charity work e.g. WE.ORG Social Action for Good
  • Celebrating different faiths and cultures
  • We teach children that they can influence decision making through democratic process
  • Appreciation of rules and laws to protect people
  • School trips
  • Sports Day
  • Dramatic Performances
  • Links within the local and wider community
  • Enrichment activities, such as visitors


Preparing Children For Life In Modern Day Britain

We have high aspirations for each of our children regardless of their backgrounds, individual skills and talents. We believe that children can contribute positively to their own lives as a child and in the future as a responsible, confident and skilled learner with the desire to play an active role in society.

We teach children to be numerate and literate to the highest possible standard and able to transfer these skills into problem solving and to a range of real life experiences.

We embrace the use of modern technology as well as traditional methods of learning.

We teach the importance of keeping safe and being engaged in a healthy lifestyle.

We teach children to recognise the arts, creativity and to have an appreciation of history and human endeavour.

We also aim to teach children to be skilled and lifelong learners who are independent, resourceful, resilient and who have the interpersonal skills to form positive relationships.

We instil the importance of working hard as well as to stop and enjoy the world around them.

We teach the importance of individual effort and the contribution they can make within teams.

Practical Examples:

  • Links with Industry
  • First Aid training
  • Vocational courses
  • Enterprise week
  • Road Safety
  • Healthy pupils
  • Sports teams representing the school