Anti-Bullying Week

Today brings us to the end of Anti-Bullying week at Southwark.  Throughout the week, lessons and assemblies have revolved around the theme 'All Different, All Equal'.  Children have discussed what it means to be different and how it is important to celebrate these differences and treat everybody equally. 

This linked perfectly to our October Southwark Value of 'Equality' as well as November's Southwark Value which is 'Courage'.  Children discussed how it sometimes takes courage to make the correct choice if we see others being mean or not respecting one another.  

We also discussed all of the support we offer in school to support children who might have worries and what children can do if they feel worried themselves or see other children upset at school.

Remember, we are ALL DIFFERENT and ALL EQUAL!  Well done to everyone for making it such a thoughtful and reflective week.