COVID-19 Testing


We haven't had any positive Covid-19 cases in our school since we returned in March. We really hope this continues to be the case. We continue to follow national guidance carefully.

However, you may well be aware that there have been cases of the new Covid-19 variant in Basford. I appreciate that this will be causing concern to us all.

I want to remind you all of our procedures in the event of a positive case in school.

If we are alerted of a positive case in our school, we will work rapidly with Public Health England to assess the risk involved. We will identify any close contacts of the positive case and inform these individuals of what they need to do i.e. self isolate. This may involve a bubble closure. In this situation, our remote education plan will be put in place to ensure that all children who are affected can continue to learn whilst at home. We really hope that we do not have to do this, but we are well-prepared if this does occur.

As you may be aware, there could be additional measures put in place if a case of the new variant is found. Again, we would work closely with Public Health England in this event and communicate with you all as soon as possible.


I want to clarify the two types of tests available.


PCR Tests - these are for anyone who is showing one of the Covid-19 symptoms. If anyone in your child's household is showing Covid-19 symptoms, then the whole family is required to self isolate. A PCR test should be taken as soon as possible. Children will be allowed to return to school with a negative PCR test result. As an LFD test is not as reliable, a negative result on an LFD test will not be enough to bring the family out of isolation. This must be a PCR test.

To book a PCR test you can follow this link. You can also call 119 to book test at a local test site.


LFD (Lateral Flow) - LFD tests are designed to pick up positive cases in asymptomatic people. These are advised to be taken twice weekly and are taken by secondary school students and offered by many work places. If you are taking regular LFD tests and you have a positive test, you and your family must self-isolate and request a PCR test immediately. Self isolation can stop if the PCR test comes back as negative.

For information on LFD testing for asymptomatic people please click this link:

Please click this link for more information on testing and self isolation:

If you have any questions, please just ask.

Thank you.

Mr Skirton