End of Year Reports


Good morning, everyone.

Your child's school report will be sent home with your child tonight. We have asked your child not to open it as it is addressed to you, their parents and carers.

The end of year report is an important document and I do hope you enjoy reading and discussing it with your children.

This year, we have not reported on your child's attendance due to the impact of the school closure in the spring term. However, you may find a letter within your child's report if your child's attendance requires improvement.

We have also not included any external published assessment information for Reception, Year 4 times tables, Year 2, or Year 6 as this has not taken place this year as a result of Covid-19. You will still see your child's school assessment levels within their report.

Any child who is self isolating will receive their report when they return to school or be collected by siblings if requested.

If you wish to discuss your child's report, please contact your child's class teacher via Dojo. There is an opportunity for a optional parents meeting during the week beginning 19th July. This is only if you wish to discuss aspects of the report in further detail.


Mr Skirton