RSE Consultation

As you may already be aware, the Department for Education has announced changes to Relationships and Sex Education following nationwide consultation. Please read the attached letter carefully.

We are consulting with parents on how we can make sure that our updated RSHE curriculum meets the new requirements as well as the needs of our pupils.

We have worked hard to make sure that our new curriculum reflects and values:

• our pupils’ age, maturity levels and learning needs

• our pupils’ different cultures and faiths

• our school community’s values

• what pupils need to know to be healthy and safe in school, in their personal relationships and in the wider world

What is taught, and how, is a decision for the school as we are legally required to teach the National Curriculum. However, we hope that consulting with you will help to inform our decisions on when and how certain content is covered as we fully understand the importance of delivering this curriculum content sensitively.

Our new, draft RSHE policy and a curriculum overview is available on our website at:

Below is the link to the Microsoft Form which we ask you to complete to offer your feedback. This will be available until Thursday 1st April.

We will also arrange an online meeting via Microsoft Teams to give you the opportunity to share your ideas and thoughts and ask relevant questions.

This will take place on:
• Monday 15th March at 3.45pm for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
• Wednesday 17th March at 3.45pm for Years 3-6

If you would like to attend this Teams video meeting, please indicate this on the Microsoft Form link above.

Thank you.

Mr Skirton