Parent & Carer Guide | Latest News | Nut Allergy in School
We have some pupils and staff in school with a severe nut allergy and we would greatly appreciate your support in ensuring that we can keep them safe and healthy in school.
We would appreciate your support in reducing the risk of an allergic reaction taking place in school.
Therefore, we ask that your child does not bring nuts, or products with nuts in them, into school. This may include some types of cakes, biscuits, cereal bars and vegetarian products.
If your child does have nuts or a nut-based product in school, we will ask that they sit separately from a child with a nut allergy, to reduce the risk of any allergic reaction.
Please be assured that the school has clear policies and procedures in place for managing any allergic reactions in school. Our allergy policy is available on our website.
If your child has any allergies, please ensure that you inform the school office straight away the the relevant steps can be taken in school to keep them safe and well.
We do speak to pupils about what allergies are and how they can help reduce the risk of allergic reactions happening in school.
If you do have any questions about this, please speak to the school office.
Please click below for advice from the NHS:
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