The very important topic of COP26 is being discussed across the school this week. We will be discussing what we can do to help tackle climate change both in school and at home. Just in case you are unfamiliar with what COP26 is, here is a Newsround video that we will be showing the children to explain it further:

The COP26 climate summit, one of the biggest ever world meetings on how to tackle climate change, is taking place between 31st October and 12th November 2021 and is being held in Glasgow. Prior to the summit, most countries set out their plans to reduce emissions.

The Queen spoke out before the start of the event, saying she is irritated by the lack of progress on climate issues. The 95-year-old monarch spoke after the opening of the Senedd in Cardiff as she criticised those who "talk but don't do".

Do you think it’s important that world leaders get together to discuss climate change?

What do you already know about climate change?

Can you think of any ways, either at home or at school, you can have an impact on tackling climate change?