Parent Guide to September school opening

Good afternoon, everyone.

We are excited to welcome everyone back into school tomorrow!

Please find a parent/carer guide which will give you all the information you need in preparation for the return to school. It will explain some of the changes we have made to in line with the current operational guidance for schools.

Please ensure you are acting cautiously whilst on the school site. I ask that you try to keep your distance from others to reduce the chance of transmission.

- School gates open at 8:35am (classroom doors open at 8:40am)
- There is no one way system - you can use any of the three gates to enter or exit the school site (However, there are some changes to internal gates in school so please read the guidance carefully)
- Key changes have been made to self-isolation for children (please read the guide carefully for these)
- There are no bubbles in place in school
- The requirement for masks has been removed but please still do so if you wish to when dropping off and collecting
- We have made some important changes to school dinners

More detailed information is available within the guidance attached to this post.

We are not asking parents or carers to follow the one-way system. Therefore, you may use the front gate, side gate (at Rosegarth), or the bottom gate (Bulwell Lane) to enter or leave the school site. For safety reasons, we are no longer keeping the gate by the kitchen open and so you will not be able to walk from the front car park to the Year 6 classrooms on the Rosegarth side of school. Instead, you can enter via the side gate on Rosegarth.


Please also click on the link below to access our whole school Covid-19 risk assessment which has been updated in line with the latest national guidance.

Please feel free to Dojo your child's class teacher, Hub Assistant Head, Mrs Lansom or myself if you have any further questions.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!


Mr Skirton

Parent Guide September 2021