School News & Information

Dear Parents & Carers,

This term is racing by and we are almost at the end of the autumn 1 half term. There has been so much wonderful learning taking place across the whole school and we are very proud of all of our children for their determination and hard work.

Please read below for some important reminders and dates for your diary.

Please be aware that Friday is the last day of half term. In line with the Nottingham City term pattern, the children have two weeks off. We also have an INSET day on Monday, 6th November and so children should not be in school on this day. The first day back for the children is Tuesday, 7th November. Please visit the school website for a copy of the term dates for this academic year. We ask that you use this document to ensure that any holidays which are booked are not taken during school time so your child's education is not affected.

Thank you for your continued support in parking safely in the local area during drop off and collection times. We have noticed far fewer cars being parked dangerously and the car park is now a safer place with blue badge holders using the space during these busy times. I ask for your continued support in this area.

As you know, we work very hard across school to ensure that our attendance is as high as it can be. We do understand that children get ill and that this sometimes means that a child can't attend school. However, poor attendance does have a huge impact on a child's academic and social and emotional development. Currently, our whole school attendance is 95.2% which is below where we need to be. We want to be above 96% at least. We do follow up on all non-attendance and meet regularly with parents and carers of children whose attendance falls below expected levels. For more information on attendance please visit our school website.

There have recently been too many children arriving late at school. This is really does impact a child's education. It also does take up valuable staff time who could be better used supporting the learning of children already in school. Again, we do follow our procedures and contact parents and carers of children who are regularly late as we want to ensure that all of our children develop positives attitudes towards punctuality as this is vital as they move up into secondary school and beyond.

- Please be reminded that we ask that bikes and scooters are not ridden whilst on the school site. Thank you.
- We ask that children wear smart, full school uniform. Please be reminded that the PTA sell good quality, used school uniform in the reception area for 50p an item. For more information on uniform please visit:

- W/B 13th November - Parent/Carer meetings to be booked flexibly over a two week window. More information to follow after half term.

- 23.11.23 - Flu immunisations Book here:

19.12.23 - Carols in the Courtyard and PTA Christmas Fair

All year group specific events will be publicised via ClassDojo by your child's Hub AHT or class teacher.

Thank you for your continues support.

Mr Skirton