Southwark News & Information

Dear Parents & Carers,

Please read the information below and add the dates to your diaries!

- Wednesday 6th December (tomorrow) - Photographers are in school taking individual photos. If you want to have a photo with any siblings/family together, you can go to the hall between 8:30 - 9:00am. Please use the courtyard entrance to the hall.

- Thursday 7th December - National Christmas Jumper Day. Your child should come to school in uniform please but they are able to wear a Christmas jumper.

- Wednesday 13th (am & pm) - Reception Nativity performances.

- Thursday 14th December - Christmas Dinner Day. Your child should come to school in uniform please but they are able to wear a Christmas jumper.

- Tuesday 19th December - Christmas Parties. There will be no food at the parties. Your child can come to school in non-uniform - why not come as Christmassy as possible?

- Tuesday 19th December (9:30am and 10:30am) - Christingle services at Queensbury Baptist Church (Year 6 parents invited)

- Tuesday 19th December - PTA Christmas Fair including Carols in the Courtyard (3:15pm)

- Wednesday 20th December - Christmas Carol Concert (no parents invited)

Thank you.

Mr Skirton