Vaping Dangers

Dear Parents & Carers,


Vaping is an increasing problem in schools across the country. If you or a family member uses vapes, please ensure that they are stored securely out of the reach of children. I also ask that parents and carers do not vape whilst on the school site. This is to prevent the chances of any vapes being left on the school site which would be a risk for children. Thank you for your support with this.

Vaping is using an electronic or e-cigarette (a ’vape‘).
It is illegal to sell e-cigarettes containing nicotine to under-18s.

Many studies show that vaping is less harmful than smoking because e-cigarettes don’t contain tobacco. However, many e-cigarettes do contain the addictive chemical nicotine – and as they’re still relatively new, it’s too soon to know any long-term effects.

Children who vape could be at risk of:
• Becoming addicted to nicotine
• Experiencing side effects such as throat and mouth irritation, headache, coughing and feeling sick
• Experiencing other, as-yet unknown health effects
• Being exploited by people who provide them with e-cigarettes or vape juice

As well as health risks, there are significant environmental risks caused by the manufacture and discarding of e-cigarettes. We have noticed an increase in the amount of discarded single-use vapes in the local area and on the school site which does put children at risk.

For more information on the governments plans regarding under-age vaping please click on the link below.

Thank you

Mr Skirton