School Uniform

All children at Southwark Primary School wear school uniform. Children are expected to wear school colours and we are strict about this: it builds a sense of identity with the school like wearing the right kit for a football team! We do have clothing available for sale with the school logo on, but clothing that is smart, in the correct colours, and suitable for school life is acceptable.

We have carefully considered the national guidance from the Department for Education on school uniform.  Full details can be found by clicking the link below.

All children (Nursery – Year 6) are required to wear:

  • Sweatshirt or cardigan (royal blue)
  • Polo shirt or shirt (light blue/white)
  • Pinafore/skirt (navy blue/grey/black - navy blue/black/grey cycling shorts can be worn underneath) or gingham dress (blue/white - blue/white cycling shorts can be worn underneath)
  • School trousers or smart shorts (black/grey)
  • Flat, black (plain) school shoes.

All children (Nursery - Year 6) have the option of:

  • Southwark fleece with logo 
  • Southwark book bag with logo
  • Southwark messenger bag with logo

Southwark PE Kit for all children (required)

  • White polo shirt or T-shirt (no logos)
  • Blue or black shorts (no logos)
  • Blue or black leggings / tracksuit for outdoor PE (no logos)
  • Suitable, non-marking plimsoles or trainers

If a child forgets their kit they will take part in their ordinary clothes provided their shoes are suitable, and the clothes may get dirty so please make sure they have their kit! Children also need a warm outdoor coat as we take them out in most weathers! This can be any colour or style.

Uniform in different weathers

We do not require your child to wear cardigans or sweatshirts in hot weather.  We do ask that you provide your child with a sun hat and apply sun cream to protect them when they are outside.  The uniform expectations allow children to choose between school trousers and shorts or dresses - whatever your child feels most comfortable wearing.  In cold weather we do ask that your child wears suitable clothing protecting them from the cold.  

How to order uniform with a Southwark Logo

School uniform can be purchased online, direct from Price & Buckland using the following link:

When using Price & Buckland, items are delivered to school for collection.

Pre-loved Uniform

In the entrance to the school reception area, we have a second hand uniform clothes rail.  This is set up and replenished by the school PTA using un-named items of uniform from the school lost property each half term.  Items cost 50p and many of the items are almost brand new!  It is a great way to stock up on uniform for your child without the cost involved with buying new uniform. At the end of each half term, we donate un-named uniform with no logos, coats, hoodies etc. to charity.  If you are struggling to buy clothes in general we work alongside a range of charities to support families with free, good quality clothing, shoes, bedding and bath towels free of charge to people in need. To find out more, speak to any member of staff who you feel comfortable with. We will always treat you with respect and understanding

Please, please make sure all clothing has a name in it – we can end up with many identical items!


No jewellery is allowed for safety reasons. This includes earrings. If you want your child to have their ears pierced, please have them done at the beginning of the summer holiday so that they are healed by September and the earrings can be removed.

If you want your child to wear an item of jewellery for religious reasons you must write to the Governing Body so that they can consider the health and safety implications.